USA 2001–2002
  • Show/Talk/Musik
  • 42 Folgen in 5 Staffeln
Deutsche TV-Premiere MTV
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Wer möchte nicht gerne in einen Video Clip seines Idols mitspielen? Bei Becoming bekommt man die Chance, die Videoclips der Stars nachzustellen … (Text: alexa15)

Becoming – Community

  • (geb. 1988) am

    Hallo !!!!
    Können nur die Americaner/rinnen bei becoming mit machen oda auch die aus Österreich kommen ? schreibt mir bitte ne mail
    B ye Michaela
  • am

    I Shelena White want to become Aaliyah she is my favorite singer and lettia and kennisha,Olyvia will be my back ground singers I would give anything in the world to take this opportunity to what I can do so please receive my letter and Read it carefully.My name is Shelena and I'm 17 and this is Lettia I am 18 this is Kennisha and I am 17 this Olyvia and I'm the youngest one in the group I'm14 when I frirst saw Aaliyah I knew she was inspiration I always looked up to her well gotta go c-ya Shelena's in the11th and lettia is in the11th and olyvia is in the 8th and all of us is Honor Roll students well, gotta go C-YA

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