I Led Three Lives
USA 1953–1956
  • Krimi
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I Led Three Lives – Community

  • am

    Hi - As a collector of some of the old british comedy, I find there is a limited amount available to purchase whether on dvd or vhs. In order to rectify that situation I was hoping to ask various people I run across on the internet to do this small favor not just for me, but for any and all people with good taste who appreciate some of the older comedians we know and love. The general idea is to get the people at the source to release more of the material on dvd sets so everyone can enjoy it. There are two companies that have much of the older material we remember and if you could simply send each an email in your own words telling that you would like to see this type of material available
    feedback@fremantlemedia.com and send the same email to (which may be a subsidiary of freemantle) info@clearvision.co.uk
    father dear father (patrick cargill) also the shows later done in Australia in the late 1970s
    The Many Wives of Patrick
    And also ask them about Benny Hill,
    and Man about the house
    And Mother Makes Three
    George and Mildred
    Alco@k and Gander
    customerservice@bbc.co.uk The two Ronnies box set of all their shows (including all specials, christmas, reunion etc) ronnie barker, , Dave Allen Ronnie Barker
    Sid Caesar did 13 shows for bbc in 1958 ( in case you don't know he is to US comedy what ronnie barker is to UK)
    Write to this company in AUSTRALIA - who has released dvd's of briticoms such as: George and Mildred series 1 and steptoe and son etc.
    There is another company you could mention the same thing to them, a Canadian company that reissues and distributes british comedy. jmalek@bfsent.com
    If anyone has vhs (home taped never released of above people that would be considered rare please contact me by email.

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