DVDs (Import)

  • Rumbling Hearts Vol. 1
    Meet four high school friends - Haruka, Takayuki, Mitsuki and Shinji. Life's promise shines brightly on them until an accident leaves Haruka in a coma. Her boyfriend, Takauki, can't forgive himself and seems determined to follow Haruka into a comatose state. Mitsuki dedicates her life to taking care …
  • Rumbling Hearts Vol. 2
    Haruka's condition has everyone living out a warped high school day dream, as they are forced to act as if the three years since the accident simply have not occurred. Sworn to uphold the façade for the young girl's sake, Takayuki spends more and more time at the hospital and his old feelings for …
  • Rumbling Hearts Vol. 3
    The concluding episodes of this engaging and dramatic series. The entire world has gone crazy! Haruka has collapsed back into a coma and Mitsuki has left Takayuki, this time for good. When Haruka wakes up for the second time, she realises that three years have passed and things change. But Takayuki …


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